Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I'll be taking my last exam on Friday and then I will have completed my undergraduate degree.  This is quite a completion seeing that I took a substantial gap between my junior and senior year, enough time to get married a couple of times and have a couple of kids.  Well, alas I have done it and it feels good.  I've enjoyed my short return to college and came to realize that Architecture is not my passion, too logic-orientated, too rigid.  I am an artist, visual and sonic.  I've produced lots of visual work in many different mediums, abstract to hyper-realistic but over the last decade Ive been enamoured with music.  Ive written about 100 songs, recorded some of them, played them out with a band and have loved every moment of the process.  I want to make as much time as possible for  musical artistic collaboration.  This class has been a sweet way to end my last Architectural Degree Requirement especially since it was an art/music class instead of studio (yeah!).  Tony, thank you for choosing to run this class despite your difficult circumstances.  It has been an honor to witness you in this life changing event.  Where's your studio?  I wanna drop by sometime.


I've learned so many rules about what to do and what not to do but the reality is we just do what we do. 
In theory I found it difficult to understand what the rules meant, but when I put it into practice and heard the results it began to make sense.  However the ear of the rule maker was so distant from my sonic sensibilities that although I appreciated the simple, solid beauty I was more drawn to a dark, allusive beauty.  I use the rules occasionally but usually I break them.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

occupy cal

 Singing with the gospel choir for occupy cal has been a highlight for me since i returned last year to finish my architecture degree.  maybe i waited so long to finish is so that i could be at this university during this period in i am close to finishing i feel gratitude for what a wonderful, dynamic place this school is..i can feel the minds buzzing all around me..when i left to live abroad i was disillusioned with the USA, especially its politics and consumer took me 15 yrs in Europe before i felt it was time for me to return..after arriving back to live in california once again, i realized that what i missed most of all was its smell...the combination of white sage, artemisia, and hot rocks brought tears to my eyes as i breathed in deep...when my first husband , our 1 yr old daughter, Freya, and I went to Mexico City for a two months artist  in residence they gave us lodging close to the main plaza, el zocalo...we walked through the plaza everyday to get to the gallery...Freya would begin to bounce many blocks away and it wasn't until we got closer that i could make out the aztec drumming...during the day a small group adorned with feathers and sparkling costumes conducted ceremonies.. Freya would watch mesmerised, swaying and stepping to the the evening many locals joined them, dressed in everyday clothing..they would dance the dances of their ancestors..occupying the plaza and reclaimed their right to worship..

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

day of the dead

 a sacred space for the evening bringing old friends together to build this alter, inviting new friends to join in celebration and ritual in the evening, the carpets in front of the alter command respect and the crowds pause to gaze at the alter's beauty, some stay longer, take off their shoes, sit down and join in the communal music making that takes place later in the evening, we pass the mike around as people take turns singing and rapping their thoughts backed by electric tamburas, african drums, ethereal guitar and middle eastern scales on the accordion, what a blessing to create beauty and attract the sacred

Thursday, November 3, 2011

occupy berkeley

i grew up feeling like the 1 % in the San Fernando Valley.  the 1 % of the LA culture that wasn't into consumerism, most of my peers wanted to hang out at shopping malls,  i avoid shopping centers and when i enter into a supermarket i put on my sunglasses to shield my eyes from the flourescent light and race around frantically to grab every thing i need quickly or i wander around aimlessly for a while and leave with nothing having forgotten what i came in for. are we really the 99 %?  marching in oakland yesterday confirmed to me that at the moment we are still the 1 % or maybe even less than 1%, as a few thousand of us wandered around the city center i kept wondering how many people live in the bay area, how many millions?  trying to do the math in my head to figure out what percent of us were in those streets yesterday.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


these morning glories cover the railing to our porch, they are beautiful and invasive, they get their name because they open in the morning.  can we have too much beauty? when will this beauty reach a point that i will have to tear it down? should i wait until the flowering season ends when the plant is uglier? i read a book once that informed me that the seeds of this plant hold the same compound of LSD and in fact they cover the commercial seeds with poisin so that this drug cannot be extracted.  supposedly since the 60's people have been growing and saving their own seeds  that are chemical free.  should we regulate what nature provides?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

mississppi john hurt

I thought of the story of the palm trees and how they were planted in African Americans' yards in Oakland during the fifties.  Although I live in Albany, I wondered if a black family lived here amongst the Chinese Culture that prevails in this region.  I was also wondering what people from China might plant in their garden to remind them of their home land.  This drawing was done in my backyard as the sun was setting and the sky was constantly changing colors.  I made the palm tree much more prominent than it really is while fantasizing that it filled my entire backyard instead of the freeway and an apartment block.